5 Tips for Being Productive While Working from Home

5 Tips for Being Productive While Working from Home

The pandemic has shifted the way many of us work. For some, it was a temporary change – moving your workstation from the office to your dining room for a few weeks (or months). For others, working from home has become the new normal. While convenient, working remotely can also be challenging if you lack the proper tools and office space.

Don’t worry, after living that #remoteworklife the last few months, we've figured out some tips and tricks that make working from the comfort of your home that much more enjoyable. 

1. Have a designated workspace 

Working from your bed or the couch, though totally relatable (and totally comfy) can sometimes be a bad idea for your work productivity. We suggest finding a space in your home that you can designate as your workspace. Carving out a dedicated spot for work can help create some distinction between your office hours and your free time and can help you quickly get in the right headspace to start working.

Whether that be a corner of the dining room table or a more formal option, like the pocket offices in our new 1700-FS and  2000-2S  floor plans, having that space set apart from the rest of your home can be one of the best things to do for your work-from-home routine. 

2. Stick to a routine 

Even though you are not working in a professional office setting, it’s still important to have a consistent routine. As much as we all like sleep, try waking up around the same time that you normally would. Use the time that it would take you to commute to work to make yourself a healthy breakfast or do a morning workout! While leggings and a t-shirt are more comfortable, it’s still a good idea to get dressed as if you were going into the office. Doing this small task helps tell your brain that it’s time to get to work, and feel confident while doing so! 

3. Have set expectations  

Make sure that anyone who lives with you – spouses, children, etc., respect your space while working. Have an open conversation with your family and set clear rules for the kids by advising them about what they should and shouldn’t do when certain circumstances arise. You can assume that anything that can interrupt you will (like your dog barking at the delivery driver who’s dropping off the tenth Amazon package of the week on your front porch).


If those in your household understand the expectations that are set in place for them during your workday, minimal interruptions (if any) should occur.

Having a discussion with your boss about the expectations they have for you while working remotely may also be a good idea. Asking questions like: “will you be connecting through video chats or email?” “Will there be weekly meetings that need to be attended?” These discussions and guidelines not only help you, but your colleagues that are also working from home. Remember, this is a new experience for everyone – you’ve got this! 

4. Take small breaks & make time for relationships 

Try setting an alarm to walk around and stretch every hour or so. During this time, take your lunch break, get some fresh air and catch up with you colleagues. "Water cooler" chats with coworkers are a staple of working in an office. Now that you're at home, you may not be meeting up around the water cooler or in the break room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still socialize.

 Schedule “happy hour” video chats and send short messages to check in and see how everyone is doing. Find ways to have fun and keep those relationships thriving even while working apart! 

5. Maintain consistent work hours 

It's safe to say that working from home makes it easy to lose track of time. When you work where you live, sometimes those important work/life boundaries get blurred! It’s important to establish a general routine when working from home. If you plan on working from 8 am to 5 pm every workday, try sticking to that schedule. Set a timer for the end of the workday to ensure that you aren’t overworking yourself – when it goes off, shut down your computer, and call it a day!    

Working from the comfort of your home really is a luxury in and of itself. Think of it like this – you don’t have to worry about commuting every day (look at you being eco-friendly) and you can spend more time with your family. If working from the dining table just isn’t cutting it anymore – check out some of our plans built with your needs in mind. Many of our floor plans offer remote-work friendly options: like a pocket office or a flex room.  

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