Schuber Mitchell Homes Blog
Schuber Mitchell Homes Builds 1,000th Home

We gathered together on a chilly day in our new Orchard Park community with our employees, vendors, and trade partners to celebrate Martha Cuartes, our 1,000th homeowner. We enjoyed some delicious food together as we heard from Dan Mitchell and the mayor of Centerton, Bill Edwards.
“In 1,000 homes there are more than 10,880,000 bricks, 580,000 square feet of tile, 150,000 yards of concrete, 120,000 bundles of shingles, 172,000 sheets of drywall, 60,000 gallons of paint, and 425,000 2x4s.
While the sheer magnitude of these materials is astounding, and while we could marvel at our skill and dedication, we must pause and recognize the truth: We want to honor God. If you see excellence in our work and relationships, it is because God is present and calling us to be excellent. If you witness unity and humility, it is because we follow the example of Jesus who made Himself nothing and came to serve. When you see us laughing and enjoying life, it is because we recognize God is real and He protects us - we don't need to worry. When you wonder why we are dedicated to growth and expansion, it is because God is a builder, His kingdom starts like the smallest of seeds and grows into a massive shade giving tree. When you see integrity in our business - we don't need to cheat - we trust God is the provider of all things. When you see generosity here, it is because God Himself is generous, loving, and kind and we only want to be like our Father,” beautifully said by Dan Mitchell.
We also got the chance to get to know our homeowner, Martha, a little bit better as we interviewed her about what it feels like to be Schuber Mitchell Homes’ 1,000th homeowner:
SMH: How did you hear about Schuber Mitchell Homes?
Martha: I was in the market to purchase a home and I had been looking at previously owned homes. The other homes had a lot of work to do with not much of a difference in price. I stumbled upon Schuber Mitchell’s website and I thought “maybe I should go this route instead of just buying something that I would need to renovate.” So I went to the model home and spoke to Malachi. I just thought that it was such a simple process. I decided to go with it!
SMH: What sold you on your Schuber Mitchell Home?
Martha: I loved the model home. I really liked the way that your homes looked. I thought it looked like really good quality for an affordable price.
SMH: Tell me about some of the things that you loved about the process of buying your home.
Martha: The one thing that I loved most was the way your team answered any questions I had right away. Great customer service! They would get back to me within minutes of me reaching out. The way that they updated me on the progress of the construction, it just made it so easy. I never had to call and ask, “what’s going on?” They were always updating me on what was going on, what was next, and I loved that.
SMH: What would you tell someone else who was thinking about building with Schuber
Martha: Schuber Mitchell just makes it very easy. It’s a no-hassle process.
SMH: What does it mean to you to be our 1000th homeowner?
Martha: It feels amazing. It’s great to fall right on that number. It’s so special. It makes you feel like you made the right choice with an experienced builder. It gives you a sense of security. I’m very happy to have made the decision to go with you guys.
All of our homeowners have a story to tell like Martha. Maybe you were renting and got fed up with throwing your money away. Maybe you threw in the towel with the endless repairs that your aging home required. Or maybe you just dreamed of coming home to a beautiful new home each day. Whatever your journey has been, we are thankful to be the landing place for so many wonderful homeowners. We could not have reached this goal of 1,000 homes without the 999 homeowners who came before Martha. At the end of the day, we don’t do what we do to flaunt a large number. We build homes so that we can give people a safe place to rest and recharge. Your home is where every great memory is made, hospitality is shared, and love is given. Our mission is for you to #lovecominghome.